Monday, May 25, 2009

The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis

Who would not be attracted by the title of this book?

Very recently, I had read the Great Divorce (by C.S. Lewis) again. I took it as my bed time snack before I sleep. After reading one or two chapters it always make me hard to sleep and force me to think about "consequence." In my point of view it is about "back fire" of your daily life in your flash and bone would gradually becomes after you have a chance to "visit" the gate of "Heaven" (I quote the word Heaven and cap it because the Heaven I talk about is not the idea of heaven on earth) and a counsel with the citizen of "Heaven". What you grape here would becomes a obstruction of every goodness that you might have "a chance" to have. So does the Scripture have mentioned

順 著 情 慾 撒 種 的 , 必 從 情 慾 收 敗 壞 ; 順 著 聖 靈 撒 種 的 , 必 從 聖 靈 收 永 生 。(加拉太書6:??)

This talks everything.

Story is about a group of folks gathering to a bus to leave a place called "Gray Town" (a.k.a. Hell ) . The narrator is found to be one of them without any warning or sign. These mob arrive to a foothill of high mountain with beautiful tree and astonishingly spacious grasslands before the dawn. Clamorously step off the bus the narrator found that everything in the destination is too solid for he to sustain; then realized that he is the ghost and so as the whole mob. Every grasses, even dews on the grass is so heavy that impact themselves with enormous pain. The story follows to a group of fellows described as "Bright Spirit" fly from the end of skyline and assigned to each ghost to counsel them. Each Bright Spirit are more or less relevant to each ghost. Then, a possibility of the turning point for each ghost start from here. What's in the past almost determines what they will choose individually. However, the earnest effort from those Bright Spirits still try to make it work with their (for both, ghost and Bright Spirit) last chance.

Sadly only one fellow took off his past and step into what every human being longing for centuries. Lewis described the only person got saved is due to cut himself and himself from the past completely and the rest disappear because the hold on to the past. The past all depends on the choice the subject made....

The key is would you be able to sustain the consequence of your choice under the assumption of no "payment deferred" or would you be able to make a "correct" choice for yourself under the full-constructed free will of yourself. These will determine your assets of inner life which can be measured by how you sustain the "reality" when you arrive the foothill of "Heaven". What you had made? What compose you? That would be the real "You". It remains me what Jesus taught us


But whenever you could be honest to yourself you will be on the right track.

他們的心幾時歸向主,帕子就幾時除去了。 (林後3:16)

You will never in suffering if you truly turn to Jesus. Because Jesus indicates in the sermon of the Mount


More than this

神實在恩待以色列那些清心的人 (詩73:1)

What could you do about yourself? Feed your inner person (人的靈是耶和華的燈,鑒察人的心腹。箴二十:27). I think you should know how to feed your inner person ( follow Holy Spirit who inhabit inside you). Save yourself from the vain because the vain could perish yourself with a very subtle way. You would be a fool if you still keep yourself whole...

This is my prayer:

I would rather get into pieces by your kindness than remain whole while waiting for your wrath.

Then, the Divorce (from yourself) is what we all could have and it should be Great!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

末世來了, 我們要怎麼應對呢?

最近我們正在經歷可能我們從來沒有面對過的經濟大蕭條. 這讓我想到啟示錄裡面提到的神對大淫婦 巴比倫的審判. 看到現在的經濟困境, 會讓人想到更多的貧窮人出籠. 其實, 想一想在這樣的大蕭條之前沒有窮人, 沒有被欺壓的人嗎? 之前不是有很多的窮人餓死, 當我們還有錢買HDTV, iPod的時候? 所以, 我不是很確定這大蕭條真的有什麼不好的. 我在網路上看到一個見證, 在這樣貧瘠的環境中只是因為倚靠神, 結果帶來豐富的供應. 我想現在我得好好的學習在 "稍稍" 困難的環境中學習倚賴神, 經歷祂, 不然那真正的大逼迫來臨時, 如果我不印上獸的印記, 就不能做買賣 (啟13:16), 這時我要怎麼選擇呢? 我會為了填飽肚子, 逃避困難, 而印上那可憎惡的印記? 那在七碗之災的審判來時, 我就得受到第一碗的災.... (啟14:9-11; 16:2)
我又突然想到, 在那些以色列人出埃及之前, 神在埃及所降的災, 那些災都是為了讓埃及法老王能夠鬆手, 讓以色列人能夠出來單單服事神. 這跟我們所處的世代多相似啊, 神讓大海嘯發生, 經融風暴, 房貸風暴的發生不都是要我們把我們手中的"世界"鬆手然後單單服事祂? 耶穌說過了, 你不能侍奉神有侍奉瑪門. 所以, 臨到我的環境必定都是好的, 好讓我可以學習單單倚靠祂.
這個見證給我一個啟示, 就是現在好好的順服神, 面對自己的困境, 然後交託, 祂會負責的

你要把你的重擔交托耶和華, 祂必撫養你, 祂永不叫義人的腳動搖 (詩篇)
耶和華的聖民啊, 你們當敬畏耶和華, 因為敬畏祂的一無所缺 (詩篇)

神給我們很多話了, 要聽不聽選擇權在我自己裡面, 我的理智實在難以想像如何在疲乏無水之地信靠祂, 但是我的意志選擇, 要, 要經歷那以利亞被耶和華派來的烏鴉餵養, 經歷神的美善! 希望這一個見證可以激勵所有的主內弟兄姐妹, 神是信實的, 祂會支持你, 保護你, 將你藏在祂翅膀下的隱密處!

信而受洗的, 必然得救 ... 信的人必有神蹟隨著他們... (可16:16-17a)


跟 他談話中我們發現他滿臉憂愁,有很深的重擔,他說:我跟銀行借了很多錢,也用信用卡預借現金借很多錢買了許多肥料施肥,可是不知道怎麼回事,茶葉一直都營 養不良,又有許多病蟲害,以至於無法收成,也沒錢可以再買肥料施肥,所以他的茶葉看起來,樹枝比葉子還多,很像枯萎的樣子;另外,他也種植了青椒,可是種 植的地方太高山了,沒有水源可以灌溉,如果下雨的話,又會土石流,因此當地人都笑他說:你的青椒不能收成啦,種在這裡不是枯死就是被土石流沖走。這位弟兄 沒得選擇,因為它只有這塊地可以種,其他的地都是別人的。

銀 行不斷的催收帳款,他已經好幾期最低應繳金額都付不出來,銀行說若再不還錢的話就要送法院強制執行,因此這位弟兄只好到處跟親人借錢,好不容易借了一萬 元,這是銀行要求至少先還一萬元,否則會很慘,當我們知道這情況後就為他禱告,並且去青椒園和茶葉園按手在土地和作物上禱告,然後我們2天的服事結束準備離開,忽然聖靈又感動我們去雪見服事,可是我們的錢都用完了,估算一下去雪見的加油錢和食宿費,需要6000元,這怎麼辦呢?正當我們要離開的時候,這位弟兄拿了6000元給我們,他說:「神感動我,要我奉獻6000元給你們,我掙扎了一下,最後還是順服神,請你們收下。」唉呀!這錢是救命錢,我們怎麼敢收呢,可是他說我很確定是聖靈的聲音要我奉獻,所以我們就為他祝福禱告後收下這筆救命錢,然後去雪見服事,當我們一上車要離開時,神用很清楚的聲音告訴我們團隊的傳道人說:這位弟兄從此脫離貧窮的軛,哦,感謝主,我們真是歡喜快樂的讚美神,一個月後,當我們再回到這個弟兄家服事時,神蹟發生了。

有個農業專家說這地方的海拔所種植的茶葉,若是水分和肥料充足的話,至少要45-60天才能收成採茶,沒想到這位弟兄說:從我們離開後到現在,只有28天,他已經收成了3次,而且茶葉快速成長,整個茶園看不到茶枝,只有滿滿的茶葉如同爆炸頭包著茶樹,而且也沒澆水也沒施肥,至於青椒園呢,只長了約30公分 的高度,可是青椒卻結實磊磊,每顆青椒樹至少長了5個青椒,更厲害的是,青椒的大小如同人的手肘,又大又肥,這青椒樹看起來根本還在發育階段,還是小Baby,怎能有這麼豐富的結果,我們問他發生什麼事?他說自從我們離開後,每天下午2點到4點會有一片很濃的霧水飄到青椒園和茶園的上面,然後就有很小很細的雨絲降下來,2個小時後霧水就飄走了,每天都是如此。






