Sunday, October 19, 2014

Ebola-- what's the difference between hatred-full thought and common sense

Ebola is now unreasonablely spreading in United States right now. I want to cry out where is the common sense to solve the problem? Why not stop the flight between west Africa and to the world? People are still want to put political correctness into the core issue. When I was perplex on how to explain the issue but now, thanks to Michael Moore, he gave me a vital example what's the political correctness at best. Here is his twitter yesterday....

How about this? WOW I don't know if you are Pro-life, you will have better chance to get saved. 'Pro-life' sounds to blasphemously to me from Michael Moore! Dang! Those pro-lifers! Today, his wisecrack strikes again! This is even more classic, I mean, dang, you read on!

As always, you need to get a closer look to those left wingers to see what they think and see how these folks have had influenced the world so far. Wouldn't their words reflects what they think and what they believe?

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