Thursday, January 8, 2015

Let’s go and kill some cartoonists.

The terror attack happens yesterday implicitly imply --‘a religious had claimed there is a god asking them to kill cartoonists?’ If there is a god saying so, would you feel a little bit of skeptical?

Do you able to give an answer with absolute yes or no?

For the freedom of speech, I am actually willing to stand with these cartoonists whose reputation and taste is so bad that I would definitely make sure there is a distance between the cartoon and myself. They go full length on bashing the Islamic funder, their prophet Muhammad which incur death threat from radical Islamic group. And they eventually achieve the threat that resulted a death toll of 12. France claimed this is a terror attack, pace White House insist this is an violence incident. The whole Europe is under the shadow of terror attack because of their falling multiculturalism. I would assert this: Political correctness will be the death for all of us. All the terror attacks, including this one happened in Paris, yell one thing--They want you to shut up (about the prophet Muhammad.)

Before the end of the command, I would like to address my view on the other side of the ‘coin’ about this terror attack. Even though I stand with the newspaper (because of FREEDOM OF SPEECH), I would not join them in what are they doing/drawing. If you Google ‘Charlie Hebdo,’ you would know what I mean. Their cartoon is really offensive and sick. They make almost pornographic and ugly idiosyncrasy about the prophet Muhammad naked in various position. If you are a Muslim, you would be offended. HOWEVER, should the offensiveness worth of 12 lives? No, nothing should go to that length at all. HOWEVER, if they would have done this to Jesus, I would have felt offended as well. Another HOWEVER, I would not conduct the killing. This is just a blank truth. You would not see Jewish group and Christian group conduct such an attack. Somehow this kind of thing is always fall on the hand of those radical Muslims.

So maybe you are ready to ask yourself this question: How many Mormon attacks is there have been in the Broadway Theater performing “The Book of Mormon” every night? 11? Maybe 11 minus 11. This is not civilized. You cannot win any heart at all by conducting such a horror. Unless intimidation is their goal.

Somebody has to do something
Contents that ‘Charlie Hebdo’ has demonstrated part of the sick value today. This is what Hitler had done before: point out the ill of the society. They said the reason society is so sick is because these people are mocking religious, they are amoral, they are not following the precept of god. These legitimate their action to carry out an attack as a mean of ‘We will take care for you.’ At the same time, there is a group of people who does follow the religious but not necessarily agree to kill, but again, turns the blind eyes thinking ‘you know what? They are right. The society is really sick and somebody has to do something.’ And this is the reason terrorists get you every time!

Somebody has to do something. This is what our politician saying all the time: ‘we got do something!’ NO. WE HAVE TO DO THE RIGHT THING. ‘Somebody has to do something’ is what terrorists are thinking. Therefore, they get in and shoot people.

What you do in a civilize society, you sould say:
This is wrong. This is outrange. This is hurtful to who actually follow the prophet Muhammad. And there is no place for society to doing that!
However, people weight in for Muslim with a very different standard. Do they have any right? Absolutely, they have a right to speak out against the cartoon, boycott against it, think of it is wrong in many ways, but to do so in a way with love and respect. There is a time you might have righteous indignation but that doesn’t grand you any right to kill and shoot people.

I hope I make myself clear and logical enough so you do not assert me in a position of a radical on the opposite side of radical Islam. 

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